Meetings: Documents

New Aquarius Website - What’s in it For You
[12-Nov-2013] deCharon, A., Taylor, L., Companion, C., Cope, R., and Kuring, N.
Presented at the 2013 Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting
The Aquarius public website has just undergone a major transformation to make accessing information and resources much easier. Overview materials about the science and mission development have been updated, such as summaries of early research findings. An explorable interactive globe can be used to see the satellite's current position, scroll through monthly salinity data sets, and visit points of interest to learn about the Aquarius/SAC-D mission. The website team took scientists' needs into account by adding new content and functionality: Presentations from key science meetings; image gallery with data maps of sea surface salinity, radio frequency interference, and brightness temperature at high latitudes; and a searchable database of news, mission status updates, and documents. In addition, a wealth of resources is provided for scientists' communication and public engagement needs including images, movies, podcasts, and slideshows. Educational materials, such as hands-on activities, online activities, movies, podcasts, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and articles are also available. This content is directly tied to archived webinars, which feature scientists and engineers "telling their stories" about the mission and its relevance to science and society. The new Aquarius website is designed for continued growth and improvement ... discover "what's in it for you".

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