
Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset (2 hour latency) Release
JPL SMAP Level 2B Near Real-time CAP Sea Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset (2 hour latency) Release

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of the JPL SMAP Level 2B Near Real-time CAP Sea Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset (2 hour latency). This is the PI-produced JPL SMAP-SSS V5.0, level 2B NRT CAP, validated sea surface salinity (SSS) and extreme winds orbital/swath product from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory available in near real-time with a latency of about 2 hours. It is based on the Combined Active-Passive (CAP) retrieval algorithm developed at JPL originally in the context of Aquarius/SAC-D and now extended to SMAP. The existing near real-time dataset JPL SMAP Level 2B Near Real-time CAP Sea Surface Salinity V5.0 Validated Dataset with 6 hour latency is also available for download. More information regarding the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (S MAP) observatory mission and instrumentation is available from PO.DAAC's mission webpage.

The dataset is described, discoverable, and accessible in the NASA Earthdata Cloud (AWS-West) via the PO.DAAC data portal, as are the associated technical documentation. Users are encouraged to visit PO.DAAC Cloud Data Page for detailed information about cloud data access.


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