This global map shows the linear trend in surface salinity in Practical Salinity Units (PSU; roughly equivalent to parts per thousand) averaged over 50 years. Solid gray areas denote land masses. Colors show salinity trends (reds = increases; blues = decreases).
Salinity Trends Over 50 Years
[07-Aug-2013] The 50-year, linear trend in global surface salinity in Practical Salinity Units (PSU; roughly equivalent to parts per thousand). Red indicates increasing salinity from 1950 to 2000 and blue shows regions where salinity decreased over these 50 years. Contours every 0.2 are plotted in white. Regions where the resolved linear trend is not significant at the 99% confidence level are stippled in gray.
Source: Durack, Paul J., Susan E. Wijffels (2010).
Fifty-Year Trends in Global Ocean Salinities and Their Relationship to Broad-Scale Warming. J. Climate, 23, 4342-4362.
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